Course Description: This course is meant to provide the license holders with a better understanding of identifying and describing the specificities of buyer contingencies when working through a real estate sale transactions.

Course: #50852  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course examines issues of agency, buyer representation agreement, and best practices as they relate to Texas buyer representation. 

Course: #47704  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00 | CE Credit Hours: 1

        *Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: This course provides a review of the main TREC and TAR contracts and addenda by pointing out common mistakes and common misperceptions.

         Course: #50729  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $20.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 2

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course will review the HOA addendum and explain what a resale certificates, define subdivision information, discuss who pays for what and why and analyze the HOA addendum in full.

         Course: #46612|  Provider: #461  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course provides a compare and contrast approach to the latest changes to the TREC and TAR forms, along with an explanation and the rationale behind the changes. 

Course: #50730  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course examines the building blocks of HOA law; common myths; common issues and recent changes to HOA law. 

Course: #50731 |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $20.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 2

*Recorded Class Available 


Course Description: This course provides an overview to the Texas Realtor Commercial contract and common addenda, as well as related matters in commercial transactions.  This course is for residential real estate agents interested in commercial transactions.

Course: #47704  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 2


CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

*Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: All license holders must complete this course prior to their next license renewal. Course Topics: TREC Statute & Rules Update, Property Management, Buyers, Landlords, Tenants & Sellers, Promulgated Contract & Addendum Forms, Unauthorized Practice of Law, Ethics Requirements for Engaging in Real Estate, Fair Housing Laws, Agency Law, Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA), Tax Laws, and Current Industry-Related Topics. 

Course: #47600  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $40.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 4

        *Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: All license holders must complete this course prior to their next license renewal. Course Topics: TREC Statute & Rules Update, Property Management, Buyers, Landlords, Tenants & Sellers, Promulgated Contract & Addendum Forms, Unauthorized Practice of Law, Ethics Requirements for Engaging in Real Estate, Fair Housing Laws, Agency Law, Deceptive Trade Practices Act (DTPA), Tax Laws, Current Industry-Related Topics.

Course: #47601  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $40.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 4

        *Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: This course provides an in-depth examination of the business variables, negotiation strategies and legal considerations surrounding multiple offer situations to allow license holders to better represent their consumer clients.

Course: #47097  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 1

*Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: This course provides a cursory review of oil and gas law; the TREC addendum; and oil and gas leases. 

Course: #50732  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

Course Description: This course examines the federal and state bodies of law that touch and concern real estate and real estate brokerage. The course also covers the basic dispute resolution and litigation processes.

Course: #50805  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $20.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 2

*Recorded Class Available 


Course Description: This course reviews the basic concepts of separate and community property; intestate and testate administration; probate alternatives; and the distribution of assets in the instance of marriage dissolution. 

Course: #50733  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $20.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 2

*Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: This course provides an overview of best risk management practices for real estate licensees by examining contracts; agency; communications; standard operating procedures; documentation; and complaints and litigation.

Course: #50734  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $20.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 2

*Recorded Class Available 


Course Description: This course is meant to provide the license holders with a basic understanding of the entity types - MUDS, PIDS, TIFs, & TRIZs and how each entity type has their own impact on a sales transaction.

           Course: #50735 |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  | CE Credit Hours: 1

Course Description: This course provides an overview of the TREC Farm & Ranch Contract as well as discussion on related topics for Farm & Ranch Transactions. 

           Course: #47098  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CONTRACT CE Credit Hours: 1

CONTRACT CE INFO: "As of February 1, 2021 sales agents and brokers are required to complete at least three hours in contract-related coursework as part of the 18 hours of continuing education (CE) required to renew a license or activate a license."
Source: TREC Article 02-05-2021 by: TREC Staff   

*Recorded Class Available 

Course Description: This course provides a general description of the Foreign Investment in Real Estate Tax Act. General definitions and basic functionalities are explained. The course also offers practical tips for license holders representing both buyers and sellers.

Course: #47099  |  Provider: #9810  |  Price: $10.00  |  CE Credit Hours: 1

*Recorded Class Available 


Check out our Class Calendar for upcoming classes on the schedule and to register.