Upcoming Webinars
Transfer on Death Deeds and Title Insurance
Date: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time: 10:00am - 11:00am EST
Presenter: Kay M. Creasman | VP & Virginia State Counsel
Overview: We last examined Transfer on Death deeds (TODDs) in 2021. Since then, many more TODDs have been used to transfer title. Some issues have arisen as to the proper way to terminate a TODD and questions have arisen as to how entities may be the grantor or the beneficiary of a TODD as well as a few other issues. In this webinar, we will review current Virginia statues, address potential problems with TODDs, and walkthrough underwriting a transfer on death transaction.
Register HerePresenter: Kay M. Creasman | VP & Virginia State Counsel
Kay M. Creasman (VP & Virginia State Counsel for Old Republic Title) has been with Old Republic since March 2008 solving problems with practical solutions for title and settlement agents throughout Virginia. Since 1976, she has, at various times, maintained a private law practice in the Richmond area focusing on real estate, small business matters, and wills; owned and operated a high-volume title insurance and non-attorney settlement agency; been employed by national underwriters as counsel in Virginia and West Virginia; and searched title in the record rooms.
Ms. Creasman is an active member and a past president (2003-2004) of the Virginia Land Title Association (VLTA). She was the 2010 recipient of the VLTA Distinguished Service Award. She currently (2022) serves on Legislative and Education Committees. She has been active as an Area Representative for the Real Property Section of the Virginia State Bar since 2010 serving as the Chair of the Real Property Board of Governors (2018-2019) and was recipient of the Traver Scholar Award in 2017. She is also active with the Virginia Bar Association’s Real Estate Section serving as coordinator of new legislative matters related to real estate.
Upcoming Webinars for 2025
Join us every second Tuesday* of the month for a 1-hour webinar hosted by Old Republic Title. Each webinar will be accredited for 1 hour of VA CE and 1 hour of VA CLE. The tentative schedule of topics is below, subject to change:
January: Divorce and Title Insurance
February: Transfer on Death Deeds
March: Collaborative Fraud Series (separate registration coming soon)
April: Day in the Life of an Underwriter – various examples
May: Statutory Update/Case Law Update
June: Day in the Life of an Underwriter – various examples
July: Churches and Charitable Institutions
August: Legal Implications of Title Defects
September: No webinar
October: Streets
November: Fraud*
December: Day in the Life of an Underwriter – various examples
Registration will allow you to register once and attend any of our webinars scheduled for the year.
*November course is rescheduled for November 4th, due to holiday.